Massachusetts Legal Developments Blog

Prom Season and Underage Drinking


Prom season is here. It is an exciting time for many teenagers. High school students throughout Boston will be attending this special event over the next few weeks. Most students are happy with the occasion and many parents are worried about their child and alcohol abuse. Being involved in an OUI/DUI  accident (operating under the influence of alcohol) will put a damper on the party.

The senior prom is a wonderful time for young people to get dress-up and celebrate at a party but it is also an unsafe time too. Many teenagers decide that they want to drink and drive. Concerned parents should encourage their teens to do the following things over the next few weeks during prom and graduation season. It is good advice for teens to comply with all the time.

  • Do not drink any alcohol

  • Do not travel with anyone who drinks alcohol

  • Do not drive your car and rent a limo to avoid having to drive

  • Do not text and drive

  • Do not use your cell phone and other mobile devices while driving

  • Do not speed if you do drive your car

Prom season is one of the most dangerous times of the year for teenagers because many teens often drink and drive, which can lead to auto crashes and death. This is an excellent time for parents to discuss the dire consequences of underage drinking with their teenagers. Studies reveal that teenagers who have an open and honest conversation about the problems associated with underage drinking are more likely to meet their parent's desire and expectation and not drink.  Parents should think twice about hosting an after-prom or after graduation party, and serve alcohol to minors during these special occasions. Parents with great intentions do this each year.  It is a big risk for them. You might be liable if an auto accident occurs as a result of drunk driving involving a minor or teenager from your party. You can speak with an experienced attorney, who can tell you the legal problems associated with serving minors alcohol in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

In the Commonwealth driving under the influence of alcohol is a crime. In Massachusetts, the maximum blood alcohol level is 0.08% for adult drivers and 0.02% for a driver who is under 21 years of age. It is illegal for persons under 21 to drink alcohol. Operating a car under the influence of alcohol may carry harsh penalties for all drivers in Massachusetts, including those under the age of 21.

If your underage son or daughter is facing OUI/DUI charges, the consequences may be serious and life-changing. Boston Criminal Defense Attorney, Edward Molari can provide you and your family with legal advice that can help your teenager regain their life and driving record. He cares about you and provides personalized legal services in every OUI/DUI case. Contact Attorney, Edward Molari at 617-942-1532 for a free consultation

