Massachusetts Legal Developments Blog

Massachusetts Legal Developments Blog

Major Fentanyl Drug Bust in Massachusetts Leads to Serious Trafficking Charges

Back in 2023, law enforcement in Massachusetts uncovered what has been described by some media sources as a “secret drug lab,” leading to serious fentanyl trafficking charges for several defendants. The operation was extensive, and photographs from the bust depict a sophisticated pill-press operation with an extremely large quantity of drugs and drug-manufacturing materials. Some officials believe it is one of the largest single-location drug seizures in Massachusetts history. Now the men behind this operation are pleading guilty. What should you do if you face charges of fentanyl trafficking in Boston

Meth and Fentanyl Pills Were Disguised as Valentine’s Day Candies

In February of 2024, a man from Lynn pleaded guilty to various drug trafficking charges. These charges stemmed from a major drug bust in November of 2023 when police searched a residence belonging to one of the defendants. Police say they learned of the operation while investigating an overdose death in Salem, and this investigation led them to the defendant’s doorstep. They then carried out a search and found an extremely sophisticated meth and fentanyl manufacturing facility. 

Inside the home, police found 20 pounds of pink, heart-shaped pills containing fentanyl. They were intentionally manufactured to look like Valentine’s Day candies, and the defendants used sophisticated pill presses and other advanced technology to achieve this feat. As they searched the rest of the residence, police located almost 200 pounds of meth and fentanyl. They also found cocaine, cutting agents, and other chemicals commonly used in drug manufacturing operations. 

One of these defendants faces at least 15 years in prison for possession with intent to manufacture and possession of a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking. All three of the individuals involved in this operation have pleaded guilty. Investigators believe that the operation produced “millions of doses.” It is worth noting that the likelihood of fatal overdoses is relatively high for users of fentanyl. It is also unclear whether the buyers of these pills knew whether they contained fentanyl. 

Can Police in Boston Search My Home for Drugs?

Police generally need a search warrant before they can search your home for drugs. The only exception is if they identify a situation where people face immediate danger. For example, they might hear gunshots or sounds of physical violence while standing outside a home. They might also have “probable cause” to search a home. For example, they might witness someone carrying a bag of drugs into a home. Finally, police have the right to search your home if you voluntarily allow them to enter. You are under no obligation to consent to a search. 

Can a Defense Attorney Help With Fentanyl Trafficking Charges in Boston?

If you face fentanyl trafficking charges in Boston, the most obvious course of action is to speak with an experienced defense attorney immediately. These legal professionals can guide you to a favorable outcome, perhaps via a plea deal. Alternatively, you can fight for your rights and push back against constitutional violations, lack of evidence, chain-of-custody issues, and much more. Each defense strategy should match the unique circumstances of each situation – so discuss your case with Edward R. Molari today. 

What Happens if You Try to Steal a Police Cruiser in Boston?

Whatever the situation might be, attempting to steal a police cruiser is always a bad idea. However, this type of offense is more common than many realize. Countless viral videos show individuals jumping into police vehicles and speeding away – and this type of incident can be highly embarrassing for law enforcement departments across the nation. A recent incident highlights the potential penalties for this unique type of auto theft in Boston.  

Police Describe Scene of Utter Mayhem at Brockton Car Dealership

In February of 2025, Norwell Police reported a scene of complete mayhem at a Brockton car dealership. This scene began when a man took an Uber to the car dealership and started acting aggressively in the vehicle. This aggressive behavior continued when the man arrived at the dealership, prompting staff to attempt de-escalation strategies. 

When these attempts failed, the employees asked him to leave. At this point, the defendant started “lunging” toward staff members while threatening to kill them with a firearm. However, no firearm was present at the scene. He then returned to the Uber driver and assaulted them while trying to steal his car keys. He seems to have been successful, as police arrived to find him inside the vehicle. 

However, he could not figure out how to get the vehicle into gear. In a desperate last attempt to flee, he reportedly jumped into a police cruiser and tried to steal it. Officers then tried to arrest the man, and he became violent. After swinging with his fists, he struck one officer twice in the face. During this altercation, he damaged a police cruiser door. Even after the officers managed to get the man on the ground, he continued to fight and resist. Two police officers were hospitalized as a result of this incident, and so was the defendant. 

This defendant now faces numerous charges, including making threats, two counts of attempted carjacking, assault and battery on a police officer, three counts of damage to a vehicle, resisting arrest, and disturbing the peace. These charges provide some indication of what might happen if you attempt to steal a police cruiser in Boston. Along with a standard carjacking offense, you might also face a slew of additional charges. 

It is not clear why this individual became so violent and erratic. However, the man’s mother seems to have posted on social media days before the incident, warning the public that her son was missing. She also claimed that he had recently experienced a “traumatic life event” and that he was probably in distress. Finally, she claimed that the defendant was on Brockton’s missing person list. 

Can a Boston Defense Attorney Help With Carjacking Charges?

Carjacking is a relatively common offense, and many criminal defense attorneys in Boston have plenty of experience with these cases. One example is Edward R. Molari, an experienced lawyer who may be able to help carjacking defendants. Stealing a police vehicle is a particularly serious type of carjacking crime, but stealing virtually any car can lead to severe consequences. Consider scheduling a consultation with us today to get started with a defense strategy. 

Road Rage Incident Leads to Murder Charges in Brockton

In April of 2024, the American Automobile Association reported that road rage incidents were increasing in Massachusetts. The agency says that this issue has become particularly problematic after the COVID-19 pandemic, and numerous incidents throughout Boston are a testament to this fact. A recent case of road rage in Brockton has led to murder charges, with the defendant accused of bludgeoning another driver to death. How can you defend yourself against road rage charges in Boston

Brockton Man Indicted and Arraigned for Fatal Road Rage Incident

In January of 2025, various sources reported that a Brockton driver had been indicted on charges of murder and assault in connection with a road rage incident. The altercation occurred in April of 2024 when the defendant allegedly struck a pedestrian with his vehicle before bludgeoning him to death. 

Witnesses say the defendant struck the victim not once but twice with his Toyota Rav 4. He then exited his vehicle, produced a brick, and proceeded to strike the victim 20 times in the head with the blunt instrument. This caused fatal head injuries. 

The defendant reportedly told police that he had been drinking late into the night before the incident. He then went home and left again in the morning for work. During this trip to work, the defendant stopped at an intersection to let a pedestrian walk across. However, he allegedly did not wait until the pedestrian had fully crossed and struck him while he was still in the road. Next, he reversed into the pedestrian, striking him again as he was struggling to get to his feet. The defendant then crashed his vehicle – and this is when the assault with the brick began. 

Police could not seem to determine why the defendant reacted so violently. Many hours had passed since his night of drinking, and there was no evidence of intoxication. Police also say there is no evidence of an existing relationship between the victim and the defendant. The defendant gave several stories to police when interviewed and denied hitting the victim with a brick. This is despite the fact that several bystanders physically pulled him off the victim while the assault was taking place. 

A subsequent press release from the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office in February suggests that the defendant intends to plead not guilty. The press release also revealed that the man had been arraigned and that he was being held without bond. His pretrial conference is set for late April 2025. The 46-year-old faces one charge of murder, one charge of assault with intent to murder, and three counts of assault and battery with a deadly weapon. 

Can a Boston Defense Attorney Help Me With Road Rage Charges?

Road rage incidents can lead to many criminal charges, including assault, murder, reckless driving, child endangerment, and much more. Although defending yourself against these charges is not always easy, you can approach this situation confidently with a Boston defense attorney at your side. Consider discussing your options with Edward R. Molari – and schedule your first consultation today. 

Karen Read Murder Trial: Interviews Could Affect New Trial

In February 2025, the Massachusetts Supreme Court rejected Karen Read’s double jeopardy claim – paving the way for a second trial. Prosecutors can now retry her on all three charges related to the death of her former boyfriend – a Boston police officer. A central issue in this second trial is the admission of off-the-record notes during an interview Read gave for Boston Magazine.  

The Background of the Karen Read Case

In 2022, the body of a Boston police officer was found outside a Canton home during a snowstorm. Karen Read, the officer’s girlfriend at the time, quickly became a suspect. Prosecutors alleged that she struck the man with her vehicle and left the scene, while Read claims that she was framed. 

Initially, she escaped conviction due to a mistrial. However, prosecutors successfully sought permission to retry her – despite her double jeopardy appeal. 

Parties Attend Hearing on Admissibility of Off-the-Record Interview Notes 

Prior to the second trial, prosecutors sought to admit new evidence – including off-the-record interview notes. These notes stem from several interviews with Boston Magazine, which Read gave while her case was pending. 

During this time, Read conducted three interviews with reporter Gretchen Voss. The final interview was never recorded, but prosecutors allege that the reporter wrote notes during this conversation. Boston Magazine has already provided prosecutors with two redacted recordings. Prosecutors allege that these recordings contain new information about the defendant’s drinking habits on the night of the officer’s death. 

Axios Boston notes that, unlike many other states, Massachusetts does not protect a journalist’s sources. The lack of this “shield law” means that any off-the-record comments could be admitted as evidence – despite any promises of confidentiality Read may have received. 

Voss has argued that the court is not “automatically authorized” to disclose the contents of interviews. Instead, she and her legal team argue that journalists should be the “discovery agents” for the government. Voss is concerned about her credibility as a journalist, and she fears that any disclosure of her off-the-record notes may prevent her from conducting interviews in the future. 

The court is expected to make a decision soon about whether these off-the-record comments and notes could be admitted as evidence. In addition, the court is deciding whether to allow a Google search Karen allegedly made on the night of the incident. According to prosecutors, she typed in the words “hos long to die in cold.” 

Can a Defense Attorney in Boston Help Me?

If you face issues like double jeopardy or the admission of sensitive evidence in your criminal trial, you might want to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Boston. These legal professionals can help you avoid unnecessary consequences and excessive penalties. To learn more about the next steps, contact Edward R. Molari at your earliest convenience. 

Defendant Humiliated by Media After Becoming Stuck in Chimney

It is easy to forget that criminals are human beings, too. Often, these people are driven to crimes by economic desperation – and not by choice. These financial pressures are becoming increasingly difficult in modern America, and the more fortunate should consider where they might be if their circumstances were slightly different. A recent case shows that the media is perfectly willing to humiliate and degrade criminals for drug offenses in Massachusetts.  

Reporters Sarcastically Compare Defendant to Santa Clause After Chimney Incident

In December 2024, detectives served a search warrant in Fall River and approached a residence. Somehow, several occupants ended up on the roof of the home during the search, and they subsequently attempted to flee in different ways. One of them simply jumped off the roof and onto a parked car. Another suspect made a different decision and attempted to hide inside the chimney. 

One media source described this decision as “channeling Santa Clause,” pointing out that he “lacked finesse” as he desperately pursued freedom. The jokes continue throughout the article. One has to wonder whether the reporter would take the same sarcastic, almost gleeful tone when describing a small child or senior stuck in a chimney. 

Eventually, first responders managed to free the suspect from the chimney. Many people have died after getting stuck in chimneys, and this situation could have been much worse. Police arrested his individual on drug possession charges alongside another person who stayed inside the home. 

Although there were plenty of puns, the article failed to mention how the police obtained the search warrant and whether it was even legitimate. They also failed to expand on the suspect who managed to escape on foot despite facing the full weight of local law enforcement. One might argue that this is about as humiliating for the police as getting stuck in a chimney. 

Media Bias in Criminal Trials

The media is playing an increasingly central role in affecting bias during criminal trials. Judges often instruct jurors to avoid reading the news or viewing social media during trials – but how many of these people actually take such directions seriously? Media-induced bias is almost inevitable in the modern era, especially with the rise of social media. 

Fortunately, there are ways to address this issue during criminal proceedings. For example, a defense lawyer might instruct a defendant to pursue a bench trial instead of a jury trial. 

Can a Drug Defense Attorney in Massachusetts Help Me Fight for My Rights?

A drug defense attorney in Boston may be able to help you fight for your rights and your reputation. Irresponsible reporting can humiliate defendants – including those who are struggling with substance abuse and financial pressures. Even worse, the media can create unfair bias in the criminal justice system, making it challenging for defendants to pursue justice and fair treatment. Contact Edward R. Molari to discuss how to address these issues and many others before a criminal trial. 

Teen Dies After Head-On Collision With Alleged Drunk Driver in Braintree

The criminal justice system enforces much more strict penalties for DUIs when they cause serious injuries or deaths. In addition, the general public may be much less sympathetic toward alleged drunk drivers who cause crashes that kill teens and children. This is exactly what happened after a fatal DUI in Braintree, and the defendant in this case is likely to face serious penalties. This is due not to both DUI laws in Massachusetts and the stigma of innocent teen deaths. Could a DUI defense lawyer in Massachusetts help a defendant who finds themselves in this situation?  

Allegedly Drunk Driver Faces Three Counts of DUI Causing Serious Bodily Injury

In December 2024, an allegedly drunk driver struck an SUV and caused various injuries to the occupants inside. Police say that this driver was operating a pickup truck and that he had veered into oncoming traffic before the impact.  

One of the passengers in the SUV was an 18-year-old girl, and she suffered serious injuries that proved fatal. The driver of the SUV – also 18 – suffered serious injuries but survived after receiving treatment. The last occupant of the SUV was 21, and he was hospitalized with “serious but non-life-threatening” injuries. 

The 39-year-old defendant was also hospitalized, and the authorities arraigned him from his hospital bed with various charges. These include three counts of DUI causing serious injury, reckless driving, and failing to stay in his lane. 

Despite these charges, the Braintree Police reported that they were still investigating the crash in its immediate aftermath. They were assisted by the Massachussets State Police and the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office. 

Charges Upgraded to Vehicular Homicide

In January of 2025, NBC Boston reported that the defendant is now facing an additional charge of motor vehicle homicide. NBC also stated that the defendant had pleaded not guilty to all of his charges so far – and that he remains free on a $5,000 bond. 

His next court date is in March of 2025, and this defendant will presumably try to fight his DUI and homicide charges. In the weeks and months after the accident, various sources highlighted more personal information about the victim – including her devotion to her family. She was apparently a cheerleader at her local high school. News sources released photos of a blonde girl with blue eyes. 

It is not clear how a jury will react to this incident, but the girl’s “all-American” appearance could lead to some form of bias. One has to wonder whether the jury would react similarly if the victim was an older man or a foreign immigrant. Because of this potential for bias, the defendant may be considering a bench trial. 

Can a DUI Defense Attorney in Massachusetts Help? 

Some DUIs trigger much worse penalties than others, and a crash resulting in the death of a teenager is a clear example of this. Regardless, defendants should expect fair and equal treatment under the law in Massachusetts. Juries may easily become biased due to the social stigma of deceased children, and experienced DUI defense attorneys in Boston could help address this. To learn more about pursuing fair unbiased treatment in court, consider contacting Edward R. Molari today. 

Questions Raised After Boston Police Fail to Follow Up on DNA Evidence

Most people do not realize that a relatively low percentage of violent crime cases in Boston ever lead to arrests. Fewer still lead to convictions. This may be surprising to those who base their perception of police on TV shows and movies, in which the investigators always catch the “bad guys.” In reality, police often face serious criticism for failing to follow up on clear evidence – even when it is right in front of their eyes. A recent example involved DNA evidence that would have led Boston Police straight to a serial rapist.  

Uber Driver Left Clear DNA Evidence But Was Never Arrested or Charged

In 2024, various sources reported on a strange case involving rape in Boston. WBUR states that in 2016, an Uber driver took a woman to his apartment despite her request to be dropped off at a hotel. She claims that she was raped in the apartment, and DNA evidence clearly pointed to the Uber driver. However, the man was never arrested or charged, and police failed to warn the public about the presence of a suspected sexual predator. 

Over the next few years, three more women came forward with similar stories, with each woman providing DNA evidence pointing to the same Uber driver. Boston police still failed to arrest or charge him. The rapes continued, and after the fifth woman came forward, the police finally decided to act. They arrested the man, accessed his phone, and found evidence that he had raped at least 10 more women since the 2016 incident. 

Police now say that the defendant was posing as a rideshare driver and that he had never actually worked for Uber. He also seemed to wait outside bars in Boston, specifically targeting heavily intoxicated women. 

Why Was He Never Arrested?

Police have provided various explanations for why they never arrested the man despite clear DNA evidence. Some representatives say they could not move forward because the victims refused to testify. Others say that the Boston Police is traditionally reluctant to pursue sexual assault cases for whatever reason. Statistics show that only about 20% of all sexual assault cases lead to arrests. 

However, perhaps the most intriguing theory is that this man’s sister is the Attorney General of Boston. At the time of these incidents, she was a Boston City Councilor. The implications here are obvious: The defendant had friends in high places, and he was able to leverage this influence to avoid prosecution. 

Can a Defense Attorney Help With Issues Regarding DNA Evidence?

Whether police misplace DNA evidence or simply fail to follow up on it, it still makes sense to take seriously allegations involving rape in Boston. This is a serious offense in Massachusetts, and you should consider working with an experienced defense attorney if you face these accusations personally. Contact Edward R. Molari today to continue discussing potential defense strategies in more detail.

Recent Boston Case Shows That Self-Defense Must Be “In The Moment”

Although Massachusetts does not have the strongest self-defense laws in the nation, one can still legally fight back against an attacker. If there are no other options remaining, one might even be justified in using deadly force. But if you want to defend yourself, you must do so in the heat of the moment. A recent case shows that when you go home and plot a retaliatory attack, you lose your right to self-defense in Boston.  

Man Faces Gun Charges After Police Catch Him Before Alleged “Retaliatory Attack” 

In late December of 2024, numerous sources reported that a man had been arrested with a fully automatic handgun in Boston. Police say that they caught the man as he was on his way to carry out a retaliatory attack on a group of individuals who had previously assaulted him. They say that their “Youth Violence Strike Force” received news of this initial assault and subsequently determined that the victim was planning to retaliate. 

They then spotted the defendant walking in the street with a “prominent bulge” in his clothing, and they carried out a pat-frisk. During the search, detectives found a firearm with destroyed serial numbers and a “switch” mod. This type of modification provides handguns with full-auto capabilities. Police also found Oxycodone pills on the defendant. 

What Would Have Happened if the Defendant Had Retaliated Immediately? 

Suppose the defendant had retaliated immediately after being assaulted by the group of assailants. What would have happened? He would probably attempt to argue self-defense, as being surrounded by multiple assailants obviously prevents a victim from fleeing. 

The real question is what would have happened if this man had defended himself using his illegal, fully automatic handgun. In this type of situation, a defendant may still be able to argue self-defense – even when using a highly illegal weapon. Even if they avoided murder charges, however, they would still face consequences for machine gun possession. 

Interestingly, a report by 25 News does not indicate that the defendant is facing attempted murder or conspiracy charges. Instead, he is facing numerous firearms offenses – including possession of a machine gun and possession of a large-capacity magazine. 

No Word on Whether the Assailants Were Arrested

It is also interesting to note that among the reports of this arrest, none provide any details on the initial assault. One would think that the people who assaulted this man would also be arrested and charged, but there are few details about these assailants. One report simply stated that prosecutors “declined to comment” on the initial assault, which is reportedly gang-related. 

Can a Defense Attorney in Boston Help Me?

If you have been accused of planning or carrying out a retaliatory attack on someone, consider speaking with an experienced defense attorney in Boston. These legal professionals may be able to mitigate your penalties – even if arguing self-defense is impossible. To learn more about your legal options, consider a consultation with Edward R. Molari today. 

Police Arrest Robbery Suspects Under Questionable Circumstances

Sometimes, people find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Although this might sound like a cliche, this type of situation has put countless innocent people behind bars. Often, police are far too eager to arrest anyone in the vicinity of a crime who remotely resembles the suspect. A recent incident involving a robbery in Charlestown raises this type of concern.  

Police Arrest Man Who Walks Out of Apartment After Nearby Robbery

In late December of 2024, numerous sources reported that two men in their 40s had been arrested for allegedly robbing a store in Charlestown at gunpoint. The Boston Police said that they responded to a report of an armed robbery at a local market but arrived after the suspects had fled. The store owners then provided detectives with surveillance footage, and the police began to search the area for anyone who matched the description. 

While “canvassing the area,” police observed a man exiting an apartment building and immediately placed him under arrest. They later stated that this man matched the description of one of the alleged robbers. The police then knocked on the door through which the man had just exited, and another man answered. Police arrested him as well, later stating that he also matched the description of one of the robbers. 

One of these individuals reportedly gave police a false name during his arrest, which led to additional charges. Both now face charges of armed and masked robbery. 

Few Details on the Nature of the Arrest

Perhaps the most detailed account of the arrest comes from the Boston Globe, which stated that the man who exited the apartment had just started to ride his silver scooter. One has to wonder why someone would go for a leisurely scooter ride immediately after robbing a store, as a scooter is not exactly an ideal getaway vehicle. The Globe also stated that immediately after being apprehended by police, the man on the scooter admitted that his friend was inside the apartment. 

Again, this is slightly unusual behavior for a seasoned criminal. One has to wonder whether this man was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The truth is that no one actually saw him carry out the robbery, and whoever did it was wearing a mask at the time. None of these reports explained how the defendant matched the man in the surveillance footage. Was he wearing the same clothing? Does he have a similar height? These details are not clear. The Globe even subtly implied that these men might have had something to do with other robberies in the area – despite having no evidence to back this up. 

Can a Massachusetts Defense Attorney Help Me?

If you were arrested after a robbery in your neighborhood and you had nothing to do with it, consider a consultation with an experienced defense attorney in Massachusetts. While it is true that the prosecutors must prove your guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt, this burden of proof has not stopped countless wrongful convictions in the past. To learn more about your next steps, schedule a consultation with Edward R. Molari today. 

Commonwealth Pushes Back Against Search Warrant that “Lacked Particularity”

When it comes to drug search warrants in Massachusetts, an important requirement is something called “particularity.” According to the Fourth Amendment, all search warrants must describe the specific items that authorities expect to seize in their searches. If the search warrant does not describe these items in detail, the search warrant could be challenged in court – and the resulting evidence may be inadmissible. This became clear after a recent drug case in Massachusetts.  

Authorities Fail to Describe the Specific Drugs They Wanted to Search For

In December of 2024, the Commonwealth announced that a search warrant issued in 2019 lacked particularity. The case stemmed from an incident involving a man who was allegedly selling drugs from his second-floor apartment. A police detective claimed to have received information from a confidential informant about the suspect, and this detective later provided a sworn affidavit that drug transactions were taking place at the address. However, the affidavit failed to identify the specific substances the suspect was allegedly selling – and this later proved to be a major flaw. 

The confidential informant later made a controlled buy from the suspect, but the police detective only described these substances as “narcotics” in his affidavit. As most people know, the term “narcotics” encompasses relatively minor drugs like marijuana – all the way up to hard drugs like heroin. The detective later stated that he described the drugs in intentionally vague terms to protect the identity of their confidential informant. 

Based on this information, the court issued a search warrant with equally vague terms – allowing police to search for “all” drugs, cash, weapons, and essentially any other incriminating evidence inside the apartment. 

The defendant faced numerous drug trafficking charges, and he quickly argued that the search warrant lacked particularity. The Superior Court first denied the motion, and a second judge made the same ruling when the defendant filed a second motion. Next, the defendant entered guilty pleas on the condition that he would have the right to appeal both denied motions. 

The appeals court then heard the defendant’s argument, ultimately agreeing that the search warrant lacked particularity. The court found that by describing “all controlled substances” in the search warrant, constitutional and statutory rights had been violated. They noted that search warrants must specifically name the substances that police believe to be present. They also noted that the police saw the substances purchased by the confidential informant, and they had no real excuse for failing to name this specific substance. 

Can a Drug Defense Lawyer Help Me Challenge Search Warrants in Massachusetts?

If you believe that authorities searched your premises, property, or person without a valid warrant, you may be correct. An experienced drug defense lawyer in Massachusetts may be able to help you review the details of the warrant and uncover various issues – including the lack of particularity. To learn more about potential defense strategies, contact Edward R. Molari today. 
