In April of 2024, the American Automobile Association reported that road rage incidents were increasing in Massachusetts. The agency says that this issue has become particularly problematic after the COVID-19 pandemic, and numerous incidents throughout Boston are a testament to this fact. A recent case of road rage in Brockton has led to murder charges, with the defendant accused of bludgeoning another driver to death. How can you defend yourself against road rage charges in Boston?
Brockton Man Indicted and Arraigned for Fatal Road Rage Incident
In January of 2025, various sources reported that a Brockton driver had been indicted on charges of murder and assault in connection with a road rage incident. The altercation occurred in April of 2024 when the defendant allegedly struck a pedestrian with his vehicle before bludgeoning him to death.
Witnesses say the defendant struck the victim not once but twice with his Toyota Rav 4. He then exited his vehicle, produced a brick, and proceeded to strike the victim 20 times in the head with the blunt instrument. This caused fatal head injuries.
The defendant reportedly told police that he had been drinking late into the night before the incident. He then went home and left again in the morning for work. During this trip to work, the defendant stopped at an intersection to let a pedestrian walk across. However, he allegedly did not wait until the pedestrian had fully crossed and struck him while he was still in the road. Next, he reversed into the pedestrian, striking him again as he was struggling to get to his feet. The defendant then crashed his vehicle – and this is when the assault with the brick began.
Police could not seem to determine why the defendant reacted so violently. Many hours had passed since his night of drinking, and there was no evidence of intoxication. Police also say there is no evidence of an existing relationship between the victim and the defendant. The defendant gave several stories to police when interviewed and denied hitting the victim with a brick. This is despite the fact that several bystanders physically pulled him off the victim while the assault was taking place.
A subsequent press release from the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office in February suggests that the defendant intends to plead not guilty. The press release also revealed that the man had been arraigned and that he was being held without bond. His pretrial conference is set for late April 2025. The 46-year-old faces one charge of murder, one charge of assault with intent to murder, and three counts of assault and battery with a deadly weapon.
Can a Boston Defense Attorney Help Me With Road Rage Charges?
Road rage incidents can lead to many criminal charges, including assault, murder, reckless driving, child endangerment, and much more. Although defending yourself against these charges is not always easy, you can approach this situation confidently with a Boston defense attorney at your side. Consider discussing your options with Edward R. Molari – and schedule your first consultation today.