How Do Prosecutors Calculate Drug Quantities for Trafficking Charges in Boston?
Trafficking charges can be quite serious in Boston, and the severity of these charges often depends on the specific drug quantities involved. But how exactly do prosecutors calculate the weight or dosage of drugs that defendants may have had at the time of their arrest? Some might assume that this is simply a matter of weighing the drugs, but the process is more complex than many realize. Judging by a recent case, some might even argue that the process is unfair.
Sentencing for Cocaine Trafficking Depends on the Quantities Involved
On a general note, the potential sentences for cocaine trafficking depend on the quantities involved:
- Between 18 and 36 grams: Between two and15 years in prison, suspension of driver’s license for five years, and fines of up to $25,000. A conviction could also lead to a lifetime ineligibility for a Commercial Driver’s License.
- Between 36 and 100 grams: Between 3.5 and 20 years in prison, suspension of driver’s license for up to five years, and a fine of up to $50,000. Possible lifetime ineligibility for a Commercial Driver’s License.
- Between 100 and 200 grams: Between eight and 20 years in prison, suspension of driver’s license, and potential lifetime ineligibility for a Commercial Driver’s License.
- 200 grams or more: Between 12 and 20 years in prison, five-year driver’s license suspension, and possible lifetime ineligibility for a Commercial Driver’s License.
Cutting Agents are Included in Weight Calculations
What many people do not understand about prosecutors’ weight calculations is that cutting agents are included. For example, the entire weight of a bag that contains 60% cutting agent and 40% cocaine would be used for these calculations. In one case involving Brockton drug trafficking charges, a defendant was charged with cocaine trafficking between 18 and 36 grams, even though these calculations were based on bags that contained zero cocaine.
Fortunately, the defendant was able to work with Edward R. Molari to fight these charges. This Boston defense attorney had the bag examined by an expert, and the resulting lab report showed that the presence of cocaine was extremely low. In fact, it was so low that it was comparable to trace cocaine levels found on an average paper bill. As a result of this strategy, the weight was revised to a level under 18 grams, and the defendant received a much lower sentence with no mandatory minimum.
Where Can I Find a Drug Crimes Attorney in Boston?
If you have been searching for an experienced defense attorney in Boston, look no further than the Law Office of Edward R. Molari. We have helped numerous defendants fight trafficking charges over the years, and we are well aware of prosecutors’ questionable processes when it comes to calculating drug quantities. With our assistance, you can push back against these strategies and fight for your constitutional rights. Book your consultation today to get started.